(this was originally posted on my culture blog, but it bears repeating here)
American Democracy.
So we have created an ingenious system in which power is pitted against power for the benefit of the masses. This deconcentrates power from the centralized monarch and therefore (ostensibly) removes the corruption that has been the mother's milk of tyranny for centuries. Marvelous, truly marvelous.
But in a closed system - and the human psyche remains a closed system until we decide to "open" it - the energy for tyranny has to go
somewhere. The founders remind us that tyranny does not only lie without - in the monarch - but more insidiously within, in the desire for servitude and the certainty a powerful Patriarch provides. In many instances they urge constant vigilance against one's own inner laziness and cowardice that would sacrifice Freedom for Surety. But even by the presidency of Quincy Adams and Jackson, it must have been clear to them that the virtue they sought in their countrymen's hearts had waned. By Johnson, it would be all but extinguished.
Vigilance is an uphill battle, and whenever we turn it too far outside of ourselves, we leave our minds and hearts vulnerable to the infestation of sloth. Yes, we are vigilant against our government (some of us still), but what, again, of that inner slave/tyrant? Where does he go?
I spoke of the human psyche as a closed system. By that I mean that all of the biological elements remain in force regardless of our efforts to squelch or suppress them. Therefore, the mammalian desire to be led by an alpha-species leader does not disappear just because we form an ingenious system of government. It simply must find another avenue to express itself - only, since we have suppressed it, the avenue to submission will not be the obvious one, but will rather sneak up as if from behind us.
That which we tame, that which we control, does not simply disappear, it rather morphs into shapes that we do not recognize. This is the true danger of "repression." Not that it is amoral to suppress biological needs (the liberal perspective) but simply that it is ineffective and dangerous. Better the Devil you know than the Devil that walks around disguised as your buddy.
And for every suppressed impulse, we 'create' a buddy who is in fact a hidden devil.
So what, I ask again, has become of that basic human urge to follow? Where has our inner serf turned for enslavement? Who is our latter-day Devil disguised as friend?
Well, the mammalian impulse that creates the alpha-leader is, quite simply, the fear of death. We pack-animals fear the invasion of neighboring packs and so look to the biggest and the strongest to protect us. We gladly give up our women and our best food for the dominating strength the alpha has proven, as it is our best hope against annihilation by our enemies.
So protection from death is our primary concern, and it is hard wired in people as it is in animals. But where are those enemies today? Who are the alpha-males we have given our food and our women (and our money which may buy both) over to?
Well it is obviously the doctor class.
We have created an entire caste of high-tech warriors to defend us not from the Scots or the Turks, but from an even more insidious foe- an invisible one! The swarming herds of unseen microbes lurking behind every lamp post, the rogue germ just waiting to attack us from any corner - these, these are the new terrorists, and they are everywhere!
Orwell, Huxley, and Gilliam postulated a constant state of warfare against political terrorists as a fabrication to maintain centralized control of the people. The constant threat of terror and sabotage by socialists, communists, and Jews have held potentates in place for centuries. But having de-potentated out princes through adversarial democracy, we leave a vacuum to be filled for those who wish to manipulate power to control us.
It used to be that any time a prince would need some extra funds to pay for his extravagances, he would gin up some conflict with the neighboring country and send his armies over there, effectively, to loot. This would not be the stated purpose of the war, of course. That would always be the mammalian watchword of "national security," or "keeping us safe." But it was rather understood by the princely caste that this is how you made money- a kind of back and forth of conquest.
Well the Medical class does the same thing for us moderns. New terrorists are discovered every day. Avian flu, human papilloma, ovarian cysts - all of these mysterious killers threaten to destroy you and your loved ones. But no need to fear! The magic pill, injection, or "procedure" has just been discovered to fend off these impending disasters. Just thank heaven for the new warriors with their scalpels at the ready.
Now I am not saying necessarily that it is the doctors who are conjuring up this ruse to keep you in fear and to take your money. Just as the patriotic, well-intentioned solider is the unconscious agent of a deceptive tyrant, the modern doctor - usually earnest in his desire to help - is the stooge of a larger industry who controls him. The modern doctor has no time to do rigorous research of the drugs he peddles, the procedures he endorses, or the equipment he prescribes. Just as the soldier is too busy doing push-ups to study geo-politics, the doctor simply has too much to do to really check if what his masters are telling him is true. He simply goes along with it.
As futile as the Hippocratic oath may be, it must be stated that the executives - to say nothing of the shareholders - of giant pharmaceutical companies and medical equipment companies do not take it. They are under no obligation to serve the interests of the patient. In fact, they are explicitly in business to serve the financial interests of the shareholders. This is business, and it's a good one- even better than looting the neighboring kingdom.
The human desire for protection - like the human desire for sex - will never disappear. By denying people access to their sexual feelings, a massive underground industry of pornography and prostitution is created- wholly disproportionate to actual need. By denying people access to their desire for monarchical daddying, an enormous medical-industrial complex emerges, most of it entirely unnecessary. Both are huge earners, as they exploit a never-ending sea of desire for sex and safety. You will never make a bad bet on either.
Is there a solution to this problem? Some may not conceive it to be a problem at all. After all, yes the doctors are controlling our lives, but still, aren't they at least keeping us safe?
I highly dispute this. First of all, I don't believe in germs. I know that makes me a philistine to some, but I am generally unimpressed with the idea that the human system is so weak that it must live in an entirely sterile environment. I do believe, however, that through vaccination, massive ingestion of chemicals, and lack of exposure to challenging environments that the human system can
become this weak.
That our medications make us sicker is something we would rather not think about. Nobody studies it, since the people who have money to do the studies are the people hawking the drugs- so why would they question their own monopoly on truth?
The answer to the problem is the same answer that we have found to deal with overweening government, and that is self-rule. In much of rural America, gun-ownership is still seen as the antidote to too much government. As nuts as you may think these people are, they have decided to take alpha-male protection - once the monopoly of the state - back into their own hands. They have accepted responsibility for their physical safety, and therefore enjoy the freedom of living unencumbered by princes and potentates. I salute them.
Well the same thing can be done for health. It is simply a matter of taking responsibility for it and therefore enjoying the freedom that good health has to offer. For me, nutritional healing has been the most effective way to accomplish this. There are simple, relatively inexpensive and permanent ways to undo the harm caused by a toxic society and establish a pattern of health that will not only extend your life quantitatively but will increase the qualitative enjoyment of the life you are living today. This is the promise of natural medicine, and it has fulfilled that promise since time immemorial.
The germ theory of Pasteur - which he retracted on his death bed as a hoax - leads to endless struggle and endless fear. The ecological approach, which balances the body's natural ecosystem with its environment makes any kind of microbial "attack" a moot point. A healthy body will not be hospitable to "invaders." In fact the alkalinity model has it that microbes are actually generated within our own tissues as a response to acidic environments in our system. An acidic condition is naturally produced in the body when the body dies and is ready to decompose. That is the signal for the fungus and bacteria to start breaking us down. When we produce these toxic conditions while still alive (through toxic chemicals and cooked food), we send mixed signals to our environment- it is time to break down, and yet we are not dead yet, so we must fight off the "pathogens." It's like the US drug war in which we are funding both sides of the battle with our own resources. It is an enormous waste of energy and will make us twice as sick with half the energy.
Nutritional healing solves this problem by eliminating the circumstances that create the "disease" and therefore eliminating also the wasted energy we spend in fighting the disease. It is a holistic, win-win solution for the body. The subjective experience of alkalizing in this way is that one wonders what one was fighting with one's whole life. Everything just seems so much easier.
But perhaps this is too simple for our culture. We believe in progress and so we must continue the fight to advance medicine - indefinitely.
But before we get there, medical "advancement" will kill this country as surely as the lust and greed of a prince will destroy his own kingdom. They will both bleed the state of money until it is dry.
Universal health care, having the stated purpose of protecting us, will seal us all in our graves. The medical industry is profit-driven, not health driven. And the sole arbiters of what makes us healthy will be the medical industry itself. Describing this as the fox guarding the chicken coop is the understatement of the new century.
Once they are given full power to control, diagnose, and prescribe to all of us, their power over the country will be complete, and they can start sucking the wealth out of us - with our own willing consent - until we are bled dry, the industry having turned itself into the very leeches they have disowned as quackery.
What new forms of quackery await us? Only the imaginations of the Medical Industry will tell. But understand this: that as long as Americans are unwilling to die - or to be born - naturally they will keep wanting more- more props in old age, more promises of longevity, more easement from suffering, more, and more, and more, and more. Our desire for immortality will be insatiable so long as we fail to live fulfilling lives with the days we are already given. And so the research into new gizmos and new pills will be literally endless.
Will health care costs ever stop rising? No. Because who on earth would want to stop cancer research, AIDS research, Alzheimer's research? We're just "one breakthrough away" from a new discovery that could add years of life to someone with Parkinson's. How can we stop now? And we won't. So like a hopeless gambler, plugging away for that next big win, we will spend every last penny of our grandchildren's money to stay alive just a little bit longer and with a little bit less distress, forgetting what our own grandparents taught us- that the house always wins.
It has often been observed that the great civilizations of history have been brought down by the overextension of their military in foreign lands to preserve their empire. They rack up endless debt as they turn all of their attention outwards to preserve the territories they have conquered - or fear will conquer them. That the US defense industry parallels the medical industry pretty closely is the topic of another post. Suffice it to make the observation that both industries serve the purpose of protecting us from "invaders," and both industries are immune from democratic review and oversight. In both industries we "trust the experts," and any movement to defund them is viewed by the majority as suicidal insanity. Thus their profits continue unrestrained.
I would simply make the point here that Americans' endless fight against foreign enemies is not limited to the Middle East and Central Asia. The medical class is bankrupting us through the invisible warfare it is waging every day against the invisible world of "germs." Maintaining our "empire of health" against these invaders will produce every bit as disastrous results as the Roman conquests of the Barbarians. The microbes are indeed already at the gate.
If Americans could ever say "Enough. I'm healthy enough," we might be able to stop the ship from sinking. But the medical people make us so unhealthy from birth- through unnecessary interventions, vaccinations, and food additives, that we never really "get here" in the first place. The American work ethic undermines our enjoyment of the life we have, and the chemical-foods we eat numb us to our real life experience. Death, then, is an endless terror in this supposed "culture of life," and so like our mammalian predecessors, we will fight it off at all costs. And for us, unfortunately, it will truly be at all costs. "Think health care is expensive now?" wrote George Will last year. "Just wait till it's free."